Design your own MTG cards and proxies.

The free custom MTG card creator tool

Create your own MTG proxy custom cards using our designing tool.
Discover thousand of cards that our community has created!

Check out our MTG card design features

Make it the way you want it!

The best MTG card editor to create your own Custom cards!
Completely for free!


We offer nearly all MTG frames and continously add new one created by our community on discord.

Change Anything You Want

From Frame, title, power, rarity, icon set, to unique borders, you can edit seamlesly any aspeect of your card.

1200 DPI: HIGH Resolution

Unlike many other MTG proxy card designing tool, we offers the highest resolution available to ensure your print comes out the BEST possible.1200DPI for free.


Card Designed


Active Designers

Gallery: Duplicate & Edit

Probably the most requested feature :
Duplicate and edit any card you see in the gallery.
See a border you like? An interesting design ? Immediatly duplicate and make it your own.

Fast And Easy Text Editing

With our new version, comes a new way of editing your cards!
Quickly apply any modification to the text of your cards, insert symbol, adjust font size, font color and font type. Long gone the days of having to type these codes manually! It has never been easier to edit a card!

Set Symbol

Quickly add any set symbol and select it rarirty from our brand new Set Symbol library system
Adjust any position, scale, opacity or Upload your own set symbol.

Adjust Anything!

You can now adjust any setting in seconds using our new scroll bar system
Quickly change the scale, opacity, position etc… Of anything you see!
We’ve optimized this new MTGcardBuilder to save you as much time as possible!

Most Recent custom cards

More About Our Magic Card Creator
Introducing the ultimate tool for Magic: The Gathering enthusiasts: our MTG Card Maker!
This state-of-the-art online app lets you unleash your creativity and bring your custom card ideas to life. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a budding developer, our platform is the perfect canvas to express your passion for MTG.

With our user-friendly interface, you can easily add mana symbols to reflect the casting cost, ensuring that your custom cards blend seamlessly with official Magic: The Gathering decks. Our comprehensive selection of card types, including lands, creatures, enchantments, and more, means you have all the card types at your fingertips. Plus, our formatting tools let you add a title, subtype, rarity, and the all-important flavor text, giving your cards a realistic and professional look.

Your account grants you access to a gallery where you can showcase your work, find inspiration, and exchange suggestions with other fans.

Our printing service sets us apart. We print your custom cards in high resolution, matching the size, weight, and thickness of official Magic: The Gathering cards.
This means your cards not only look great but feel authentic in your hand.

Whether you’re adding to your collection, creating fun new gameplay mechanics, or bringing a storyline to life, our MTG Card Maker is the ideal tool. Check back regularly to see new features we’re adding, keeping your experience fresh and exciting. And remember, while our service is not officially endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, we strive to keep the spirit and fun of Magic: The Gathering alive in everything we do.

Start crafting your unique deck today – your next Magic adventure awaits!